Attorneys, are you ready for the avalanche of audio and video evidence?
Your next case may require a new strategy. Will you have the knowledge you need to best handle video surveillance evidence when it arrives on your desk?
For the last couple of years NCAVF has been saying that body worn cameras will inevitably become standard for police officers. It seems that every time there is a high profile, political storm about a particular incident involving surveillance or smartphone recordings of police, the chief of that police department tries to quiet the storm by saying they will soon be testing body worn cameras on their force.
Today it’s the NYC police department with the death of Eric Garner, and a week ago it was the city of Ferguson with the death of Michael Brown.
So what are the strategies and areas of inquiry when you have surveillance evidence? There are many. Our years of high profile cases and audio and video evidence of all kinds has taught us valuable lessons that we can share with you.
We offer a MCLE California Bar approved class at no cost and taught at your firm, and we also send out email updates only once every three months — because we respect your time you’ll see no other emails from us.
Contact us now to signal your interest to learn via email or to have our MCLE class brought to your firm AT NO COST.
We look forward to serving you.
David Notowitz
President, National Center for Audio and Video Forensics