In the aftermath of an alleged crime, sometimes upset family members are very vocal about the incident that took the life of their loved one. Far before the video forensic expert has a chance to view, enhance, and analyze the evidence, the emotional family claims they want justice for the death of their son, daughter, brother, or father.
Telling the details of the loss garners attention and sympathy. Quotes and tears from family make for great articles in newspapers and on television. Sometimes people unrelated to those who experienced the loss get involved, and protests ensue. All this coverage also puts added pressure on politicians, local police, and district attorneys.
When the protests die down and attorneys are able to spend more time on the details of the case, the real work for us begins. We are given all audio and video evidence — 911 calls, police car video and audio, police worn audio devices (commonly called DARS), and security camera footage that can be gathered from the immediate scene and from cameras recording in the neighborhood. Sometimes there is relevant surveillance video footage of suspects as they are brought into the police station.
We search for details that might shed light on the truth of the incident by enhancing — sometimes frame by frame — any audio or video that can be clarified. At first seemingly unrelated, a video clip — once enhanced, zoomed in, and clarified — can become important to the development of a case.
We enjoy the possibilities of audio and video enhancement.