Not sure whether a key image or video in your case is faked or original? Photoshopped images and video have become a big problem, as editing programs get more sophisticated and easier to use. Just a couple of clicks in Photoshop and you can make almost anything disappear. But what if your case has a lot of images that you can’t tell are false or real. Can you sort through lots of photos for fakes?
Right Now
Nowadays, you can get programs that will at least attempt to tell you if a picture has been altered. Some programs track compression values. Each time an image gets saved, it often gets compressed. But if part of a file is changed, that part won’t have been compressed as many times as the rest. This page explains further.
But this method of analysis might not work on a really good Photoshop job. And the process, therefore, still requires human examination.
In a case such as this, you would definitely want to hire an image and video forensics professional to use their sharp eyes.
Future Developments
But what if you have a ton of pictures and video to go through? What then? There’s not much you can do now, except go through every picture individually, which could take forever. But people are working on a way to fix this problem.
Under a program funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (for $4.4 million), researchers from the U.S as well as Brazil and Italy are trying to invent a machine-learning algorithm to help. This algorithm will hopefully be able to sift through loads of images and video forensic data and comb out the false from the real.
How could that help with your court cases? Well, hopefully, once this software is developed, it can be applied to all sorts of areas. It could be used to analyze all the images on someone’s computer or on a public Facebook account for evidence in a case.
Maybe someday this software will come to a video forensics specialist near you. But for now, you’ll just have to rely on their human eyes.
Referenced from: U.S. Eyes Tools to Spot Faked Images, Video