Still Image Analysis

Do you have a photo or image evidence that you want clarified or analyzed? Do you need a photo authenticated?

Has your image been Photoshopped?

Still Image Analysis

One investigative technique is to explore metadata, the data hidden within each image. Another method is to compare pixels and the effects of compression.


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Whether your case is civil or criminal, state or federal, requiring help for defense, prosecution, or plaintiff, the job of NCAVF remains the same — to help you get clarity.

NCAVF is a nationally recognized forensic audio and video lab. We investigate and clarify video, audio, and still image evidence, analyze results, and create digital media presentations for use in hearings, mediations, and court.

Our experts testify in court about the steps, the science, and the results of our work.

Contact us now for more information.

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Our forensic experts are here to help.

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NCAVF clients include 17 of the top 25 Fortune 500 insurance companies


NCAVF cases in the last two years


Number of security cameras in North America in 2012


Estimated number of security cameras in North America in 2019

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NCAVF enjoys keeping up to date on video, audio, and digital evidence forensics. Here are recent NCAVF articles.

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Have audio, video, or digital evidence that needs analysis or enhancement?

Our forensic experts are here to help.

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