Preparing for Court
If you are planning to use audio or video evidence in a court of law, then you will want to have the highest quality digital media playback presentation you possibly can – and that means never using a projection screen system — and, at least for video, never an Elmo. Instead, we always recommend to our clients that they use a high-definition flat-screen television: When it comes to video evidence, you should never use a projection screen with an Elmo. Even if the television is half the size of the projection system, the television’s resolution is still much better for showing visual details.
Unfortunately, most courtrooms these days have outdated audio and video playback technology in the courtroom. That’s why you need to secure a high-definition television and proper audio playback equipment, and have a legal video forensic expert set it up in the courtroom before the actual court date. Even if it is a week in advance – and that may seem crazy but most courts will let you in during lunch, for example, to set up – that should allow you and your expert enough time to plan where equipment will go, test it, tape down the cords, and then remove the equipment but leave all the cables so when you return on court day you will only need bring in your flat screen, speakers, etc., and reconnect them.
This might seem like a difficult, expensive process, but if you have the funding, it can tremendously improve the way your judge and jury experience the digital media evidence you worked so hard to prepare.